Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How Does One Survive on $7.25 an Hour?

The American dream, we have visions dancing in our heads of a nice home, a nice vehicle or a nice saving account accumulating in the bank.  With a hourly wage of $7.25 that is just not a reality.  According to an article on the written in the opinion of Richard Trumka and Christine Owens on CNN.com “the American dream of just rewards for hard work has been fading fast”, the rich are getting richer and the poor even poorer.  Wage increases have gone to the wealthiest 10% according to the Economic Policy Institute.  There has not been an increase in minimum wage since 2009.  If minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would be $10.17 a hour instead of $7.25.  Tip workers have had the same wages for 20 years at a whopping at a mere $2.13.  Congress is considering a proposal, the Fair Minimum Wage Act, that if approved will raise minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over two years.  This will allow for growth to keep the pack with inflation.  

According to a research conducted by Hart Research associates, 80% of the public support a minimum wage increase, 62% includes Republicans.  Many Americans working for $7.25 an hour are having trouble paying the necessary bills such as rent and food.  The average family of four cannot survive off of $800 a month.  This would not even cover rent let alone utilities and food.  Even with the help of food stamps $7.25 an hour is unrealistic for survival.  There is no wiggle room for emergencies. 

I believe minimum wage should be over $15 an hour.  With the inflation of gas, food, utilities and health care, survival is almost impossible.  Hopefully congress will pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act soon. Americans will be  watching closely as we have just survived the government shutdown.  This would be a good time for the Republicans to show that they care about the middle and lower class of Americans and give back to the people who need it most.